Prof.Dr.K.Loga muthu krishnan, Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon.

3 Conversations

Hello! hullo! hi! howdy! Hallo! salut!  ciao! hej! olá! ??????! hej! moi! hei!! morn! 

hola! ??! ?e?a! (ep?f.) (???)?! All mean the same albeit in different languages!

Talking about Translations  and Languages - DYK (Do You Know) How to find the 

mother-tongue of a seasoned Multilinguist who can speak in umpteen languages 

as fluently as you can speak in your own mother-tongue? 

When such a  multilinguist  - basically a Tamilian with Tamil as his mother-tongue - 

baffled and challenged the court of King Sri Krishnadevaraya of South Indian 

Vijayanagara Empire and none of the scholarly courtiers could find his 

mother-tongue, all eyes turned to the court's scholar-poet-clown, Vikata Kavi Tenali 

Raman (full name - Garlapati Tenali Ramakrishnacharyulu). Tenali pretended to give 

up and go away but surreptitiously went behind the multilinguist and hit him in the 

back, on which the multilinguist instantaneously shouted in pain, "Ayyo! Amma!!" 

(Tamil Phrase for "Oh Mummy!"). Thus Tenali exposed the multilinguist's 

mother-tongue to be Tamil, as anybody's instantaneous cry in unexpected pain 

will be only in his (/ her) ("Man Embraces Woman" - as Sir.Winston Churchill 

said in the English Parliament - very parliamentary indeed!)) mother-tongue!

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