A Conversation for Discus

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87727017 - Discus

Post 1

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Entry: Discus - A87727017
Author: Nosebagbadger {Ace} - U14077177

Another one of my Olympic field event project.
I wouldn't suggest reading this immediatly after the shot put one - the layout is very similar,
Corrections, ideas etc wanted please

A87727017 - Discus

Post 2

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

i've added some stuff at the end to reduce its dry nature

A87727017 - Discus

Post 3

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Can you give me a nudge to come back to this one nbb? Shout loudly as in 'Oi, you're forgotten this one.'

I am all out of brain cells for today. smiley - online2long

A87727017 - Discus

Post 4


There's the odd sentence that isn't quite right, so I'd advise a quick proof read. Also, perhaps "The Discus Throw" would make the title clearer. smiley - erm

A87727017 - Discus

Post 5

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Hi Tufty smiley - smiley

This Entry is in Peer Review now, and we were also talking about what the title should be. smiley - ok

A87727017 - Discus

Post 6


smiley - doh It's been a while, and I didn't notice the EGWW: bit in the thread title.

A87727017 - Discus

Post 7

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

It's lovely to see you again tufty, I hope all is well with you? take care and have a happy Christmas smiley - hug

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