A Conversation for Karma

Reverse Karma

Post 1


From my observations I seem to have noticed the reverse of karma occuring most often.

How is it that people who go through their lives being complete a*******s seem to sail through life with everything falling into their lap and seemingly no repurcussions? I have observed too many good virtuous people having enormous runs of bad luck. Luck or karma?

Am I just a pessimist or is there actually an evil twin of karma that rewards acts of evil and punishes acts of kindness?

Isn't a popular saying "only the good die young", to me this seems to ring true. I would like to observe some ACTUAL karma where bad deeds get the punishment they deserve.

For those who DO believe in karma, do you have any examples? Have you observed people getting their come-uppance? Please let me know.

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Reverse Karma

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