A Conversation for Fantasy Football Predictions League Season 21
FF: Week Ten
egon Started conversation Dec 27, 2011
Deadline 2pm, New Years Eve
Bolton v Wolves
Norwich v Fulham
AFC Wimbledon v Southend
Darlington v Gateshead
West Brom v Everton
FF: Week Ten
Mu Beta Posted Dec 27, 2011
Given that I'm working New Year's Eve, I'd better get this in early.
Bolton 1-1 Wolves (Jarvis)
Norwich 0-1 Fulham (Sa)
AFC Wimbledon 1-1 Southend (L Moore)
Darlington 2-1 Gateshead (Bridge-Wilko)
West Brom 0-0 Everton (If ever a match was crying out for a nil-nil result, this is it)
FF: Week Ten
Yakus Posted Dec 29, 2011
Bolton 1 v 1 Wolves (Davies)
Norwich 2 v 1 Fulham (Holt)
AFC Wimbledon 0 v 1 Southend (Hall)
Darlington 1 v 1 Gateshead (Bridge-Wilkinson)
West Brom 2 v 1 Everton (Obdemwingie)
Trust everyone had a merry Christmas. Happy new year to you too!
FF: Week Ten
egon Posted Dec 29, 2011
Bolton 1-2 Wolves (Fletcher)
Norwich 1-1 Fulham (Holt)
AFC Wimbledon 0-0 Southend
Darlington 1-2 Gateshead (Cummins)
West Brom 1-1 Everton (Drenthe)
FF: Week Ten
Alfredo Marquez Posted Dec 30, 2011
Bolton 2 v 2 Wolves (Reo-Coker)
Norwich 2 v 1 Fulham (Holt)
AFC Wimbledon 1 v 2 Southend (Hall)
Darlington 2 v 1 Gateshead (Bridge-Wilkinson)
West Brom 2 v 1 Everton (Drenthe)
FF: Week Ten
McKay The Disorganised Posted Dec 30, 2011
Bolton 1 v 0 Wolves ~ Klasnic
Norwich 2 v 1 Fulham ~ Morison
AFC Wimbledon 1 v 1 Southend ~ Hall
Darlington 1 v 0 Gateshead ~ Bridge-Wilkinson
West Brom 1 v 1 Everton ~ Odemwingie
FF: Week Ten
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Dec 31, 2011
Bolton 0 Wolves 2 (Fletcher)
Norwich 2 Fulham 1 (Holt)
AFC Wimbledon 1 Southend 2 (Hall)
Darlington 1 Gateshead 1 (Shaw)
West Brom 1 Everton 2 (Drenthe)
FF: Week Ten
Orcus Posted Dec 31, 2011
Bolton v Wolves 1-1 (Klasnic)
Norwich v Fulham 2-0 (Holt)
AFC Wimbledon v Southend 0-0
Darlington v Gateshead 3-1 (Bridge-Wilkinson)
West Brom v Everton 1-1 (Odemwingie)
FF: Week Ten
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Dec 31, 2011
Bolton 2-1 Wolves (Klasnic)
Norwich 1-0 Fulham (Holt)
AFC Wimbledon 0-3 Southend (Liam "I went to school with Mr603 and embarrassed him by being terrible on loan at Leeds" Dickinson)
Darlington 1-1 Gateshead (Jon Shaw)
West Brom 0-0 Everton
FF: Week Ten
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Dec 31, 2011
He's nothing but a disappointment to me...
FF: Week Ten
Orcus Posted Dec 31, 2011
I see the flood of seasonal predictable results continues. You should have put the Man U- Blackburn match in - I'm sure we'd all have put Blackburn down to win
FF: Week Ten
Mu Beta Posted Dec 31, 2011
Woo! Just need Fulham to keep a clean sheet for another 81 minutes!
FF: Week Ten
Mu Beta Posted Jan 1, 2012
In fact I've been well and truly dogged by last-minute goals this week.
FF: Week Ten Results
egon Posted Jan 1, 2012
Bolton 1-1 Wolves (RICKETTS, Fletcher)
Norwich 1-1 Fulham (SA, Jackson)
Wimbledon 1-4 Southend (MIDSON, Hall, Phillips, Harris)
Darlington 0-1 Gateshead (SHAW)
WBA 0-1 Everton (ANICHEBE)
Otto: 8 points
Alfredo, Yakus, Mu Beta: 5 points
Mr 603: 4 points
Orcus, Egon: 3 points
McKay: 1 point
FF: Week Ten Results
egon Posted Jan 1, 2012
Current overall standings, with three weeks left:
1. Alfredo Marquez: 64
2. Mr 603: 62
3= Otto Fisch: 54
3= Mu Beta: 54
5. McKay the Disorganised: 52
6. Yakus: 50
7. Orcus: 45
8. Ferretbadger: 36
9. Trout Montague: 32
10. Egon: 27
11. Sprout: 17
12. Demon Drawer: 11
Key: Complain about this post
FF: Week Ten
- 1: egon (Dec 27, 2011)
- 2: Mu Beta (Dec 27, 2011)
- 3: Yakus (Dec 29, 2011)
- 4: egon (Dec 29, 2011)
- 5: Alfredo Marquez (Dec 30, 2011)
- 6: McKay The Disorganised (Dec 30, 2011)
- 7: Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") (Dec 31, 2011)
- 8: Orcus (Dec 31, 2011)
- 9: Secretly Not Here Any More (Dec 31, 2011)
- 10: Orcus (Dec 31, 2011)
- 11: Secretly Not Here Any More (Dec 31, 2011)
- 12: Orcus (Dec 31, 2011)
- 13: Orcus (Dec 31, 2011)
- 14: Mu Beta (Dec 31, 2011)
- 15: Mu Beta (Dec 31, 2011)
- 16: Mu Beta (Jan 1, 2012)
- 17: egon (Jan 1, 2012)
- 18: egon (Jan 1, 2012)
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