A Conversation for Fantasy Football Predictions League Season 21

FF: Week Five

Post 41


Scores so far (scribbled on a newspaper in the dolly blue tavern while drinking a pont if thwaites smooth)

Alfredo and FB:8
Orcus: 7
Mr 603: 6
McKay, trout and Egon: 5
Yakus, otto, sprout and mu beta: 4

FF: Week Five

Post 42


Pint of, not pont if. The beer has no connection with the pope, to my knowledge

FF: Week Five

Post 43


Pascali has opened the scoring for kilmarnock v rangers with 10 mins left. None of us saw that coming

FF: Week Five

Post 44


Kilmarnock win 1-0 (Pascali)

FF: Week Five

Post 45

Mu Beta

Hmm...7 points from just two matches for me this week.


FF: Week Five

Post 46


Week five totals:

Alfredo, ferretbadger: 11
McKay, Mr 603: 8
Mu Beta, orcus, Yakus, Sprout: 7
Egon, Trout: 5
Otto: 4

Overall Totals (league table to be updated soon):

1=. Mr 603, Alfredo: 31
3=. McKay, Mu Beta: 30
5. Ferretbadger: 28
6. Orcus: 27
7. Trout: 25
8. Otto: 18
9. Sprout: 17
10. Yakus: 15
11. Egon: 12
12. Demon Drawer: 11

FF: Week Five

Post 47


Oh, with game five of course being Man City 1-1 Liverpool (KOMPANY, Lescott og)

FF: Week Five

Post 48

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Increasingly gutted I missed two weeks of predictions smiley - blue


FF: Week Five

Post 49

Secretly Not Here Any More

I'm just waiting for my inevitable drop-off.

FF: Week Five

Post 50

Mu Beta

As, indeed, is Laura.


FF: Week Five

Post 51

Secretly Not Here Any More

You do know I'm going to smack you one at the Manc meet, don't you B? smiley - winkeye

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