A Conversation for Fantasy Football Predictions League Season 21

FF: Week Three Deadline Passed

Post 21

Secretly Not Here Any More

I take it this week has been declared void, due to none of the actual results making sense?

FF: Week Three Deadline Passed

Post 22

Mu Beta

If that was a criterion, I'd have declared Egon void years ago.


FF: Week Three Deadline Passed

Post 23

McKay The Disorganised

Oy ~ I got one right !

smiley - cider

FF: Week Three Results

Post 24


Bosnia 0-0 Portugal
Turkey 0-3 Croatia (OLIC, mandzukic, corluka)
Czech Reoublic 2-0 Montenegro (PILAR, Sivok)
Estonia 0-4 Republic of Ireland (ANDREWS, Walters, Keane)
England 1-0 Spain (LAMPARD)


Mu Beta 6 (czech result and score, Irish result and goal scorer)
Demon Drawer 6 (Croatian, Czech and Irish results)
Orcus 5 (Czech result, Irish resultant goal scorer)
Alfredo Marquez 5 (Czech result, Irish result and goal scorer)
McKay the Disorganised 4 (Czech result and score, Irish goal scorer)
Mr 603: 3 (Irish result and goal scorer)
Trout Montague 2 (Czech result)
Egon 1 (Irish goal scorer)

FF: Week Three Results

Post 25


I have updated the League Table on the main page where you will all unfortunately find Mu Beta to be top of the league. lets hope it doesn't continue.

FF: Week Three Results

Post 26

Mu Beta

Woohoo! Who's yer daddy?!

(Egon, don't feel pressured to answer that if it's too difficult).


FF: Week Three Results

Post 27


I might start introducing points penalties for insulting the organiser. That would soon take care of B's oddly successful start.

FF: Week Three Results

Post 28

Mu Beta

History tells us that I'm quite capable of taking care of that for myself.


FF: Week Three Results

Post 29



FF: Week Three Results

Post 30

Demon Drawer

Mu Beta is probably only there because I gave him a weeks head start smiley - winkeye

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