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Journo 41 (Nov. Challenge)

Post 1

Researcher 14993127

Life, as we all know, can be a b*tch at times. We all have things that happen that are out of our control, whether thats to do with health, work or even at home. We do, on occasion though, get the opportunity to express our desires, needs and wants which is good. We even actually get to implement our ideas, suggestions and yes, even demands sometimes, which is also good.
What is not good is when we allow ourselves to become so fixated on something that we become oblivious to those around us and start behaving in a manner that frankly borders on negativity. Thats when things go really pear shaped. Thats when human nature starts to rear its ugly side. Thats when people start thinking along the lines of, 'I'm right, you're all wrong'. Thats when people get so wound up that instead of stepping back and looking at the whole picture, they suddenly get tunnel vision. There's nothing wrong in essence being fixated on a goal, a project or when having a plan of action requires total dedication. It only becomes an issue if it affects the people around you in a negative way.
Here's a really whacky scenario of how one can sometimes not see the whole picture. Crop circles. smiley - huhsmiley - spaceyou may ask? You drive alongside a farmers field, you stop on seeing the farmer at the gate looking glum. He tells you someone has been in the field and created a complex pattern in his corn. You look across the field, you see nothing other than perhaps the first few feet or so of corn flattened. You think immediately, 'can't see any sort of pattern, intricate or otherwise'. The point being, on this occasion, you've listened, you've looked yet you still can't see the full picture. Now you have to decide, is the farmer telling porkies or is there more to this than the eye can see? You can't possibly say a definite yes or no because, put simply, you just don't know. smiley - shrugsmiley - space It won't become clear for sometime, either until it makes the news and aerial shots are seen or you yourself go up in a helicopter for a look. Therefore, it becomes a 'deferred' decision in which an instant response one way or another is pointless. There, in a nutshell folks is the problem, there are many more, probably as trite and as banal, instances in life in which an immediate response is not only impossible to give but may take some time for any response to be formulated and given. Add to that mix, you may get a response you don't like, even though its the right one and like the crop circles, here we go again, full circle. Use whatever metaphors you like, the unavoidable facts of life are, no-one ever gets everything they want no matter how hard they try and its certainly the case that we don't get everything as instantaneously as turning on a light.
The moral of this story? There isn't one really other than to finish with an apt and true saying:- Patience is a virtue.

Have a nice day folks. ttfn

smiley - cat

Journo 41 (Nov. Challenge)

Post 2

Deep Doo Doo

Very nice.

I know exactly where you are coming from with these thoughts, BMT.

I like the use of metaphors and I like the message. smiley - ok

Journo 41 (Nov. Challenge)

Post 3


smiley - zen

Journo 41 (Nov. Challenge)

Post 4


smiley - devil

Journo 41 (Nov. Challenge)

Post 5

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - biggrin

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