This is the Message Centre for Anachronist

My introduction

Post 1


Unnecessarily flashy and linguistically overwrought. Obviously trying to impress you all with my rapier wit and vocabulary of thesaurian proportions, I trot out multi-syllabic words like some demented peacock, flashing my impractically overgrown tail plumage in a desperate attempt to appeal to the coy female. I had better begin to produce material of real substance or I'll be dismissed as a flowery hack and choked with my own baroque prose.

My introduction

Post 2


hmm...very curious. very curious. I would have to say that was a rather interesting introduction that you put forth there. By no means do I think you will be strangled for these complex prose. Alas, do you know why. For no one but the strange few will know what the hell you mean. Atleast the strange few are all on h2g2. smiley - smiley

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 3

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

It looks like the anarchist isn't here. But in case someone is, I'd like to pitch sales for the page: which is YK's Pokémon league

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 4


Er, pokemons are fun. The rap is pretty nifty, the show is nice, haven't seen the movie, but i did here that they killed a baby by suffocation with a pokemon ball. smiley - sadface

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 5

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

It wasn't deliberate, you moron!

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 6


Oh, and I was so sure it was a deliberate plot against a baby's life.
Do not try and mince words with me, maladroit, its not good press for your page. Good day.

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 7

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

[raises what passes for an eyebrow on Mewtwos] }Who's Maladroit?{

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 8


Aye, the maladroits are welcome....who who??? what what??? ah, forget it! happy leap year to you!

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 9

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

[suspicious] }Hmm... I'll search for Maladroit on the H2G2.

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 10


do what thou wilt. ( with a sinister laugh)

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 11

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

[moves hand in a motion as of one tossing a baseball, and then a black sphere with arcs of energy attatched appears in it.]

}Now, I'm watching you. Don't make any false moves.{

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 12


All false moves.... smiley - winkeye

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 13

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

}Watch it.{ [moves ball of energy menacingly]

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 14


That's "Anachronist", not "anarchist", if you please. Two very different things indeed...
Yes, I've been doing other things and pretty much ignored my involvement with this site.
P'raps it's time to put my hand in more often.

Amazing! A page that uses the word "febrile"!

Post 15

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

[Mewtwo] }Greetings.{

[Vekura, in case you haven't guessed, is not currently present]

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