This is the Message Centre for Thorn

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 21


Oops. Too late.
Oh well.

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 22

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Why too late? If you want to talk to Dr Popescu, you can. Unless you have to go somwhere?

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 23


I did sir. It was my grandmother's 90th birthday and we took her to an Italian restaurant because she likes Italian things.

Glad the rest of those files managed to mostly load themselves by the time I'd gotten back though. Hmm.

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 24

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Great about your grandmother.smiley - biggrin

And glad your files got sorted out.

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 25


Yes, there was a cake and presents too.
My dad had an idea on how I might be able to get it to take less time uploading the next time, if I shrunk them as .pdf s maybe.

Yeah, I'm still looking in the market for some parts though.
I found the price of the next most recent processor to the one I have went down to either $250 or $150 dollars. Which is good. smiley - smiley I should find out how much it costs to figure in installing though.
And smiley - biggrin I still have two PC card slots left that currently aren't taken up by anything.

So many possibilities.

How are you?

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 26

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Lazy today, but the weather is horribly hot, going up to 100 this afternoon.

smiley - rofl Young fella at work is cannibalising an old PC for parts, going to put a new one together.

I said, and then there will be lightning, and you will say, It's alive! It's alive!


Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 27

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - roflsmiley - rofl I can imagine that...

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 28


smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh Exactly.

I have my Flash final today.
smiley - erm...

And need to finish up my second project. smiley - runsmiley - teasmiley - yikessmiley - surfer

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 29


smiley - huh That's odd, the weather here right now is unusually cold for this time of year.

Maybe it's meteorologically all out of whack. *Shrug*
smiley - dontpanic }BOOM!{...
well, no explosions at least. That's a relief.

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 30

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh No, nor early morning volcanoes, as the late, great Walt Kelley would have it.

Tav's parents were out west recently, and remarked on the cold weather. Here it's 100 again today.smiley - puff

We're swimming and getting our food from the fast-food place to avoid cooking.smiley - rofl

And right now, I'm at work, but having an enforced hiatus due to technical difficulties.

Hope your flash test went well.smiley - smiley Without Nappy's interference.

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 31


It did. smiley - bigeyes I got a full 100 and the professor sent me a note saying she was impressed.

Thank you.

I put my final project I had in it up in my gallery too so that people can watch it if they want.

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 32


thats excellent!

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 33


Yes. It was.smiley - smiley

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 34

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - bubbly

Supposing it's a part of my disorder:

Post 35


smiley - ta sir.
smiley - smiley

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