This is the Message Centre for teri_whoo_77 *Goddess of Whoo* American Ambassador to the Council of Thing (Slightly Odd, Mostly Mellow, Rather Risque)

It's Been a Long Time

Post 1

teri_whoo_77 *Goddess of Whoo* American Ambassador to the Council of Thing (Slightly Odd, Mostly Mellow, Rather Risque)

It's suprising how quickly time passes when one is not paying attention to it. It doesn't seem like it's been almost a half year since I was last here.... I didn't mean to be gone so long, somehow life just happened.

As of this August, both of my kids will be in school and I'll be within a stone's throw of 40. I'm not sure what 40 is supposed to look like, but I hope I look younger than it. I know that I don't feel almost 40. I still am occasionally suprised when people seek me out for my opinions, advice, and expertise, until I remember that I'm not some green kid right out of school anymore.

I've started working on my Master's degree in Organizational Development. I wish I could say it will set me on the path to riches and glory, but in truth it's something I want "just because." Maybe this is my response to a mid-life crisis?

On the home front, my kids are normal kids. Nathanial struggles to do well in school, even though he consistently tests in the top of his subjects versus his peer-group. It is an on-going battle do get him to do his homework, and another battle to get him to turn it in once it's complete. Hunter has been tested for hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder - he's not. However, if you ever want to know what it looks like in other kids, just give us a visit after he's had anything with processed sugar. I often wonder if I'm failing my kids or if this is normal? I love them either way, but I do find myself longing for a beer more frequently than is probably good.

Pat still holds his place in my heart. I'm so grateful to have met such a loving, thoughtful, and sweet man (who meets all my ooh la la desires too). I hope that the time comes (soon) that we'll move past discussing marriage to actually doing it. I'm biding my time in the meanwhile, thankful for the time that we do have together now.

That's it... how much are you guys really going to read anyway? smiley - hug

It's Been a Long Time

Post 2


Hello! smiley - hug

It's Been a Long Time

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

I often wondered what had happened to you. Good to hear that all is well. smiley - hug

It's Been a Long Time

Post 4


Teri! smiley - smooch

Good to hear everything is OK with you

It's Been a Long Time

Post 5


Hello Teri smiley - smooch

Life does have a nasty habbit of getting in the way of playsmiley - winkeye

Those E numbers are evil smiley - grr

It's Been a Long Time

Post 6

Ivan the Terribly Average

Nice to see you, Teri. smiley - biggrin

It's Been a Long Time

Post 7

Bomdon - keeper of cobwebs

Nice to read a narration of a life that is in cruise control mode. smiley - smiley

And I have read it till the last line, (just a reassurance that some people do read)!

love and best wishes


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