This is the Message Centre for Delboy

You've abandoned h2g2?

Post 1

Sheepish Lord Of Chaos

Why is this yet another abandoned part of h2g2?

You've abandoned h2g2?

Post 2


The use of the word 'abandoned is very well chosen, I feel. No, the reasons i've not been here for some time, well two months, are many and varied. Work, love, more work, filling out my self assesment tax form, watching Celtic make complete idiots of get the picture.

You've abandoned h2g2?

Post 3

Sheepish Lord Of Chaos

People seem to think that I abandon h2g2, but it's because I haven't got the internet at home, I normally go to the internet cafe down the road, but tonight I'm sleeping round my friend's and she's letting my use the computer smiley - winkeye

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