This is the Message Centre for THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>)

..... Taacha

Post 1


smiley - boing

Marc smiley - smooch

Take Care and Say hello to all your family smiley - winkeye
The Guy Folks day will be approaching smiley - laugh

Hope all of you enjoy BOMB!!! smiley - cracker

smiley - love

Taesmiley - angelsmiley - diva

..... Taacha

Post 2


I found you're online now smiley - blush
Can you read this message? if so, please reply me asap smiley - winkeye
I miss you so much and I'm worrying that you won't push me out smiley - wah
Looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Tae x smiley - diva

..... Taacha

Post 3

THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>)

smiley - ghost just on my way out to take my pc to a man i know to see if he can fix it, if he can then i will try to be online around midnight (gmt), so you may see me online and then offline between now and midnight but if you do then it isn`t me it is him trying to repair the pc..TTFN
smiley - coolsmiley - thief

..... Taacha

Post 4


smiley - ghost TAG!!!!!!
So you don't know WHEN you'll get back your PC?? smiley - wah
Hope you'll be able to your PC soon, otherwith I forget how to speak English smiley - blue... I mean you won't understand what I'll say smiley - rofl Then again I'll have a fish like brain smiley - headhurts
Yup forget as soon as I speak smiley - rofl
Please keep in touch, Marc,
smiley - hug
Tae x
Why you won't add me smiley - kisssmiley - hug ???? smiley - steam lol again smiley - steaming Tae smiley - laugh

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