A Conversation for Censorship, Obscenity and the Williams Committee


Post 1

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

A gap I've noticed when searching for potential links when subbing entries. There is nothing on censorship, other than an article on film classification. I'm thinking censorship of literature, film, music and theatre, which might mean several different entries. Sadly, it's not an area I know much about, so I am therefore challenging h2g2 to come up with something!

I could probably help out a bit with regards to stage censorship, but would not feel comfortable starting such an entry from scratch. The others are completely beyond what I could do.



Post 2

Mrs Zen

**** *** ***** *** * ****, ** **** *** ***********?

****** ** **** *********!


<***> <*******>



Post 3

Number Six

smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

smiley - mod


Post 4

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

smiley - laugh

I was asking for that wasn't I?


Post 5

Mrs Zen

Always happy to oblige, David. smiley - evilgrin

You do have a point though.

There are so many kinds of censorship - the Lord Chamberlain's censorship of plays for example seemed to be a matter of protecting the public's morality and not giving them sexual ideas above (or below) their station. Think of Lady Chatterley.

Political censorship is a different thing altogether, and one that we are about to enter into again with the govt's proposals that it is going to be illegal to say that you can understand what forces go into the emergance of suicide bombers.

I think the subject is one which it would be timely to tackle.

But not by me.



Post 6

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Maybe we could have an entry titled 'Censorship' which consists solely of the standard 'this entry has broken the house rules in some way' notice? smiley - silly


Post 7

Mrs Zen

Do it, sling it into the AWW, and see what happens, David! smiley - evilgrin

(My money is on a sense of humour failure meaning that it doesn't make it through the system - this one didn't: A2929115 . More oddly, its sister entry A2973855 didn't either).



Post 8


That entry already exists in several official copies. You just haven't seen where they are (and probably haven't seriously looked).


Post 9

Mrs Zen

Which entry, SEF, the Censorship one, or the Fashion one? I haven't seriously looked for either, and I don't have the time to do so, so I for one would appreciate the links if you have seriously looked for them and found them.



Post 10


Pay more attention, U500175 (currently going by just B). In this case that means to the thread's tree structure of posts. Since you don't appear to have bothered to comprehend what was actually on offer, I doubt you really want it. However, here's one example anyway on the off-chance that you do: A516511


Post 11

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

We've all seen those messages from time to time, but B and I were thinking of deliberately having one of them on a page as an ironic comment. With the title 'Censorship'. But I don't have the bottle...


Post 12

Mrs Zen

SEF, I am currently using the Plain Skin which gives a lot less supplementary information than other skins. There is no link to the BBC Front page, no link to Search or Advanced Saerch and no simple availability for the tree structure of threads.

I find remarks like "since you do not appear to have bothered to comprehend" to be presumptive, agressive and offensive.

You have made assumptions implying some kind of moral failing on my part, which I find odd, when in fact the problem is that for reasons which are nothing to do with you I am using a skin which does not give me access to the full functionality of the site.

500175 currently going just by B


Post 13


This post has been removed.


Post 14

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Psst! B, don't feed the creature that lives under bridges.

smiley - ale


Post 15


Makes you wonder why they're on pre-mod . . . smiley - winkeye



Post 16

Mrs Zen

>> Incidentally, that information *is* available on plain too - in the "This is a reply to" link.

That's a fair cop, guv. I'll 'old me 'and up to it. You've got me banged to rights an' all.

I am too lazy to reply to the rest of your astonishingly insulting post, and too lazy to follow the discussion further so I'll unsub now.

David, do please let me know if anyone does write the sort of entry you discribe. I'll be curious to read it.



Post 17

I'm not really here

A679016 - this has been hanging around for a few years, and it even mentions Lady Chatterly! Is this the sort of thing you were thinking of?

I'm happy to have it updated if people want to make it a bigger/better entry on censorship, or include it in something else. Can't speak for Blues Shark, but I shouldn't imagine it would be a problem.


Post 18

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Ooh, smiley - bigeyes, that's a great entry and was the sort of thing I was looking for, but somehow failed to find. smiley - erm Not sure why I didn't find it. Very embarrassed, particularly as my real-life role is basically information-finding. smiley - doh

I think it's wonderful just as it is. A series of similar entries on other aspects of censorship would probably be the way to go, rather than absorbing this into a giant entry.



Post 19

I'm not really here

smiley - cheers


Post 20

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

I've got A4225114 lying around, should anyone want to use any of it.

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