A Conversation for How to Mix a Mojito...

Peer Review: A4184750 - How to Mix a Mojito...

Post 1


Entry: How to Mix a Mojito... - A4184750
Author: Cardi-Bling - U1619796

This is my first attempt...by nice people!

A4184750 - How to Mix a Mojito...

Post 2


Great entry, but here are a few suggestions:

As you stated in your entry, this is an old drink, and there are many variations. In all of my studies I have never found the recipe for the origional mojito, indeed it seems to have been lost to obscurity. There are thousands of variations of this classical drink. Try to mention a few more of these variations, for example:

Using more mint

The addition of soda (often it is omitted)

The use of brown sugar

The addition of angostura bitters

Also modern variations of the mojito:

The guava mojito and the mandarin mojito.

Feel free to mail me if you need any recipies
Cheerssmiley - cheers

A4184750 - How to Mix a Mojito...

Post 3


Yeah I'll mention using more mint as I made a great mojito on saturday just gone for a group of friends. I had stacks more mint than I needed but thought sod it I'll chuck the lot in and it tasted alright! smiley - cheers

I always use soda (it's in the ingredients list) and the brown sugar and bitters are mentioned in the alternative versions paragragh.

I'd be interested in the fruity mojitos you mention but I've not include to many recipes as I didn't want to confuse things I just wanted to explain the basic mojito... smiley - biggrin

Cheers for your input smiley - bubbly

A4184750 - How to Mix a Mojito...

Post 4


Looks great now you've added the GuideML, I can't see anything major, it's nice and compact. A great first Entry in my opinion. smiley - biggrin
Froodsmiley - wizard

A4184750 - How to Mix a Mojito...

Post 5


Oops, missed a couple of things...smiley - sorry

I think you need tags around the final paragraph.

It's Ernest, not Ernst Hemingway.

And you could do this around what he is supposed to have said.

"blah blah"

But that's just a visual thing, you don't have to, it looks good as is. Hope this gets into the EG, it's nice and informal, but well written and informative. Great Stuff smiley - ok

A4184750 - How to Mix a Mojito...

Post 6


There we go made a few changes to the format...smiley - biggrin

A4184750 - How to Mix a Mojito...

Post 7


So this looks as though it's more or less ready to go to me. Any suggestions, people?


A4184750 - How to Mix a Mojito...

Post 8

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Let's see...

The opening header needs to removed to meet the style guidelines.

19th century - 19th Century (no superscript for the 'th')

"the drink was transformed into the drink we know today"
How about
'the drink was transformed into what we know today as the Mojito', and by the 1920s was fast becoming the Cuban national drink'?

Mint doesn't need a capital, and footnotes should come before the punctuation - minttext,

"you've just got to get on a plane" and then "has got to be Havana's La Bodeguita"
How many 'got to's' do we really need?

"in the 40's it was the hang out of Havana's bohemians"
'in the 1940s it was the hangout of Havana's bohemians'

Hemmingway - Hemingway

The ingredients in the recipe don't need capital letters

Who wants to pick up where I've left off?

A4184750 - How to Mix a Mojito...

Post 9


Hurrah! smiley - smiley


A4184750 - How to Mix a Mojito...

Post 10


There we go more changes made!smiley - biggrin

I hope a scout picks this up soon smiley - wah

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Post 11

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Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 12


smiley - bubbly

smiley - panda

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 13

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

By "Who wants to pick up where I've left off?" I meant "There's more work to be done on this but I havn't time to go through it right now". Oh well.

Well done smiley - cheers

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 14


smiley - smiley Super happy now my first recommendation by the scouts and picked up by them on my birthday too! smiley - cakesmiley - cheers

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