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death of a child

Post 1


A little boy, who coincidentally shared a name with a friend of mine, died last week from complications of acute lymphocytic leukemia. He was 12 years old. I now have to see the other 11 children in his treatment group for the first time since then. They are scared, sad and angry. So am I. I'm not a doctor yet, I'm still just a student. But cancer is something I know, and I know some of what they feel. And some of what his family feels. But the key is to recognize that I do not know everything, and that I cannot judge them on what and how they choose to act in light of his death. That goes for all deaths, really. It is no worse or better if it is quick and sudden or slow and peaceful. The end result is the same. Be careful and considerate when you speak with the dying and the survivors. Judgemental attitudes and thoughtless comments will only breed anger, resentment and sadness. There is enough of those already.

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death of a child

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