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June 2024 Youtube Review and Media News

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

The report for June: 1 new subscriber, 566 total views, and 356 minutes watched. That's a hair under 6 hours. That's about the same as May. People have been watching our summer fare and finding it entertaining.

Top performers in June:

Traffic (125 views)

The Plot: A bunny sits in the shade. His ears and nose twitch. A dove coos off-camera. This goes on for a whole minute. The tension is unbearable. Suddenly, another bunny runs by. The first bunny turns its head. Eat your heart out, Hitchcock.

Lazy Afternoon (59 views)

Starring TJ. This is like one of those long, intellectual indie films Awix is fond of reviewing so that we don't think he only likes superhero movies. It features contemplative music, dappled sunlight, and a cat washing himself. He does nice work, our TJ. (Fun fact about our star: TJ stands for Tom, Jr. He's named after his putative dad.)

Here Comes Everybody: A Backyard Convention (50 views)

Wildlife extravaganza featuring a bluejay, a grackle, a crow, a chipmunk, and three bunnies. It's an all-star cast.

Featured Locations:

In addition to the Post Office backyard, which is sort of like the Paramount backlot, we have wonderful location films such as:

The Peaceful Piesting River, Austria (39 views)

Tavaron's river is pretty. I love that we get to see each other's rivers, mountains, and other scenic places. We even get to see Paigetheoracle's surroundings occasionally, when he's not too busy focusing on the mushroom, lichen, or garden gnome at his feet.

In this video, he's birdwatching, sort of:

Skywatching with Paige (35 views)

As you can see, he got more than he bargained for.

Coming attractions:

Four days ago I put up our first short (didn't know I could before), a lovely bit of science-fiction-meets-fact reportage from FWR's friends the McGs out in San Diego. So far it has got 2200 views!

By way of contrast, the longer feature by the same director, 'These Are the Voyages', which shows an actual SpaceX launch as viewed from the McGs' backyard, has garnered 69 views in 8 days. Who knew? (Well, media specialists, obviously.)

Looks like if you upload something in the right format and, er, short, it will go directly to Shorts, so we'll be trying that more in future.

In the meantime, keep sending in those video clips!

smiley - dragon

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June 2024 Youtube Review and Media News

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