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April 2024 Youtube Statistics Report

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

It's that time again.

We had 999 views in April for a total of 615 minutes of the world's time wasted. That's 10.25 hours, up from the previous month. We got 1 new subscriber for a total of 377.

Best-performing videos in this period:
Three Kitties Who Want IN: a thrilling kitty video from the farm. 294 views because cats.
Chickens for the Space Colonists. 82 views: I made this one for Tavaron's space story.
Hovercraft Across the Solent. 81 views: Galaxy Babe shot this exciting footage on her honeymoon on the Isle of Wight.
Duck Discussion. 78 views: The Hoggett ducks make everyone laugh.

Thanks to everyone who supplies clips for this channel, and to everyone who watches. On to summer.

This is our reply to that lady who complained, 'You say you're an editor! And then you post videos of flowers and birds!' Like that was a BAD thing.

smiley - dragon

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April 2024 Youtube Statistics Report

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