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Youtube Report for October 2023
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Started conversation Nov 9, 2023
The video channel statistics are in for October - and there's good news if you sent me video clips: a lot of people watched them. 1008 times, in fact.
The planet at large spent 734 minutes in communion with our cinematic art. That's a whole 12 hours and 14 minutes. (You know how much I hate math, so appreciate. And Sasha, check these figures.)
You know what? That's three times as many views and twice as much time spent as last month. Our subscriber total stayed the same at 359.
Good work, folks! I really enjoy putting together the videos from the footage you send. I love to see what you saw, and the editing scratches a creative itch for me.
And now a look at some of the top-performing films.
Hands down, the public favourites are the baby budgies! I know why, at least in the US. They love budgies, but it has never occurred to them that you could let them nest know, real birds. I'm not surprised. Farmer Hoggett has tales to tell about town and city kids who don't recognise a baby chicken or duckling...anyway, if you haven't watched them, go do it.
Budgie Development, 354 views so far:
Fledging Budgie Parade, 212 views in the last 8 days:
Audience Review: Very cute budgies! I bet they will be a lot more colorful once they get all their feathers. Jumalation1
The Autorama Cruise-In (ALF 2023) got 141 views. I suspect a lot of that audience came from around Hooverville.
Here are some videos that deserve more exposure. Please share them wherever you pass on videos.
River Averon, Alness, 2023: Unlike certain moviemakers, we shoot absolute realism. If you see it, it happened. No shooting noses off Sphinxes on OUR watch.
Fireworks on the Wirral: A local annoyance turned into a memorable short subject.
Moving Bridge, Dieppe: Once the engineers discover this the numbers should go up.
Bird Circles: A restful, artistic moment supplied by nature, because Hooverville is a magic place.
You're tired of 'second run', you say? You want some NEW content? Here it comes!
New release and soon to be a blockbuster hit - 3 days and already 82 views - is 'Bathtime for Mallards' by SashaQ. It's a comedy, at times subtle, at times laugh-out-loud funny.
And now for the Raspberry Awards. All of our wildlife videos find an appreciative audience. So what doesn't?
The Editor's music videos.
Oh, don't get me wrong: the ones where I just play a tune, usually with the camera on the keyboard and my ridiculous, spidery fingers, do a middling job of entertaining the music crowd. It's even better if I throw in a nature scene to look at. But when I get visually creative? Bubkes.
Okay, this one is totally my own fault. I was practising this church-music medley, see, and it includes the hymn 'Holy, Holy, Holy', which made me think of the angels up in The Penthouse, and I've got some fancy tools on my video editor I wanted to practise on, so I made this. I suppose I should get it through my head that the '60s were a long time ago, but it's MY refrigerator art and I'll stick it there if I want to.
'Wholly Satisfactory'
Whatever floats your boat, I'd urge you to subscribe to this channel if you haven't already. You never know what you might see.
Youtube Report for October 2023
SashaQ - happysad Posted Nov 9, 2023
That is impressive about my mallards, getting 82 views already! Fascinating to watch - clever how they make such a lot of spray, but definitely gives them a thorough bath
Even more impressive about the budgies!
Great selection of videos
Youtube Report for October 2023
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Nov 9, 2023
Everybody over here loves those mallards! That's impressive cinematography.
I am enjoying the variety very much.
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Youtube Report for October 2023
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