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Short Subjects: At the Rural Zoo
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Started conversation Sep 12, 2020
I'm still working on videos from yesterday's zoo trip. Zookeeping in the US is not only an urban pursuit - small zoos dot the countryside, run by dedicated people. This one's in Sigel, PA, and is attached to the Farmer's Inn restaurant on the edge of Clear Creek State Park. (Yes, I have video of the park. Later.)
First, a livestock identification exercise:
A kangaroo who's a great mom, and her useless husband. You know those things are just marsupial deer with jacked-up back legs, don't you?
In praise of the absurdly cute: 'Alpaca Charm'. I swear, they look like a committee of angels tried to design a stuffed toy.
Bears'n'Friends: assorted animals and a cockatoo that says 'Hello':
More later. I took a lot of footage.
Short Subjects: At the Rural Zoo
SashaQ - happysad Posted Sep 18, 2020
Excellent - I just watched the Livestock Identification 101 and it reminded me very much of the Care Farm that I visited recently so I can imagine you had a lovely time there
Livestock Identification was super expert at the Care Farm, though - they had woolly goats, and the only way we could tell them apart from the woolly sheep was that the goats' tails are upright, while the sheeps' point downwards.
Love the sheep that was looking after the calf! Tricky identification indeed trying to work out what things are just from their bottoms
Short Subjects: At the Rural Zoo
SashaQ - happysad Posted Sep 18, 2020
Wow, fascinating watching the kangaroos - that is a large joey inside the mom's pouch!
Short Subjects: At the Rural Zoo
SashaQ - happysad Posted Sep 18, 2020
The alpacas are cute, and that is an impressive variety of animals. Lovely how the foxes have cups to curl up in!
Short Subjects: At the Rural Zoo
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Sep 18, 2020
I'm glad you liked them, Sasha! I thought those were good fox dens, too.
We were all fascinated by the joey climbing in and out. We'd never seen one do that.
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Short Subjects: At the Rural Zoo
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