A Conversation for Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today


Post 1

Crash - Everyone's favorite Bull in a China Shop

This article gives an interesting, if naive, view of terrorism and terrorists.

The claim that "American authorities have continued to single-out Muslims for searches at airports and in road-blocks" is flat wrong. Unfortunately, even though the vast majority of Osama Bin Laden's network are Arabic Muslims, American authorities have refused to single out Muslims or people from Arabic nations for searches. They have, instead, gone out of their way to avoid racial profiling.

While logic would dictate that a hunt for rabid dogs should start within the canine species, America has elected to search an equal number of shetland ponies, gazelles, sheep, and bears to avoid the appearance of racism.

Don't get me wrong, just because there are a few rabid dogs in the world, I would not advocate the elimination of dogs. Similarly, just because some Muslim Arabs have become terrorists, not all Muslims or Arabs are bad (or dogs for that matter). Pit Bull Terriers and Doberman Pinschers have a terrible reputation for violence and unprovoked attacks but can be some of the best and most loyal members of a family.

America did not label the terrorists "as being of Arabic descent." The terrorists who attacked innocent Americans on 11 September 2001 were Muslim, were Arabic, and claimed that they acted as representatives of global Islamic jihad against the Great Satan. It would be amazingly stupid to ignore those facts just to be politically correct.


Post 2

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