A Conversation for The Village of Poling in West Sussex

Flea Market: A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex

Post 1


Entry: The Village of Poling in West Sussex - A4087118
Author: superjimlad - U1486306

Any takers?

A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex

Post 2


Hello i appoligise for my absence and for beign so rude as to forget about H2G2 after al the help i was given i have returned with the aim of finishing what i started and getting my entry about Poling done. I am wondering where i go to get the ebtry out of the flea market so i can work on it and resubmit it?
Yours greatfully

A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex

Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

You can resubmit it to Peer Review in exactly the same way you did before, after having worked on it some and gotten it to what you consider to be finished. If it gets through PR and is picked for the Edited Guide you can then post here again and let the Eds know that it has been recommended, and they'll take this out of the Flea Market.

A4087118 - The Village of Poling in West Sussex

Post 4


Thank you all for you help i am sooo chuffed that its in , thanks again jim

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