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is htre anyone out there????????????????
lostbis Started conversation Jun 14, 2005
hello friends,
are you all living a life??
i am really happy if you are genuinely having one.but don't relly think so.all that we call life is just a dream, that we shall have to wake up from sometime in the future, only to discover that it has been a fake arrangement.
there is no absolute reallity in the life that we live here on earth, or atleast we can not comprehend that reallity.
i invite you to share me your opinion
is htre anyone out there????????????????
Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired Posted Oct 12, 2005
Traveller in Time on his head
"I always think we are always just with two on this site, the rest of the comments are generated by automated robots.
Always try to read any comment in the most positive way, always try to reply with positive remarks. Read a conversation before you 'join into' it.
And most important: be patient, some discussions stretch over years .
take your
< <./>Welcome</.> >, < <./>AskH2G2</.> > and < <./>RandomEntry</.> >"
is htre anyone out there????????????????
lostbis Posted Jan 5, 2006
Sorry for the delay, I have been out of time for a while.
But what exactly do you want to say?
is htre anyone out there????????????????
Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired Posted Jan 5, 2006
Traveller in Time on a Forum deep down in the archives
"Amongst other things I tried to say this is not exactly the place where you will get much feedback. Try any of the links I gave if you are feeling lonely .
A less comprehensive answer is < <./>online?thissite=1</.> > to find out who has been browsing, commenting or what ever they do on HooToo for the past fifteen minutes "
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is htre anyone out there????????????????
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