A Conversation for Muaythai - Thai Boxing

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Post 1


Whilst I commend you on your fairness and unbiased comments, if one is talking about a "fighting style", then muay thai or at least most of its core elements are amongst the most effective I have seen. I am a gold sash in 2 hard southern styles of kung fu - wing chun and chow family tong long - and I have taught both boxing, kick boxing and BJJ elements regularly. I studied wing chun and dimak under Grandmaster William Cheung and Sibak Rick Spain, arguably 2 of the greatest open hand fighters of all time. I have worked many years on the doors of some tough places, fought in many all styles and UFC style contests and at the end of all of that a good Muay Thai fighter makes me very nervous. I believe that the secret of all of this is in application. Muay Thai students seem to learn primarily through application and they aren't afraid of getting hit. Most "martial artists" do all of their learning through drills and can lose touch with application. The vast majority are not used to getting hit and so fear it. On occasions I have been able to work with MT ring fighters and teach them some good Kung Fu and boxing hands and they will become awesome both inside the ring and out. My first love is kung fu, and studying under the man who taught Bruce Lee was amazing, but after a long journey in the martial arts, I now hit the bags in a Muay Thai gym and pay those guys a lot of respect, because there's always someone who can kick your butt.

Great Article... Don't let your guard get too wide, those wing chun boys will come right down the middle at you.smiley - biggrin

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