This is the Message Centre for Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

don't mind me . . .

Post 1


Don't mind me - I always pester everyone I like to join in on my h2g2 friends photo gallery. Which is why I am here now. smiley - smiley

Meanwhile, you are totally cracking me up. smiley - ok


don't mind me . . .

Post 2


And please don't take that the wrong way - I mean cracking me up with your wit and humour. In case that was unclear.


don't mind me . . .

Post 3

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Thanks Az! I think I will submit a pic. I'll need to scan it in, so it won't be immediate, but I look forward to joining the gallery.

don't mind me . . .

Post 4


Awaits the un-masking of the anti-Della.

don't mind me . . .

Post 5

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

That's an act of creation that could be great fun. I wonder what base material God would use in building a Della.

Eagerly awaiting the results. smiley - biggrin

don't mind me . . .

Post 6

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

MoG - couldn't you just ask your son what he did use ? smiley - winkeye

don't mind me . . .

Post 7

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

The lad explained that the making of the Ur-Della came somewhat after the making of everything else, and was excluded from the Genesis bit of the Bible as being politically incorrect.

He just followed a bull around with a shovel after it had been contentedly grazing one day, and as the lad *is* a huge fan of recycling, (and believes that a clean pasture is a happy pasture), he used his findings to sculpt a replica of a human being.

The creature's true nature has been obvious to everyone who looks past the superficial ever since.

don't mind me . . .

Post 8

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

smiley - roflsmiley - applause Glad to hear that your son likes to recycle. smiley - smiley

don't mind me . . .

Post 9


<< Just do a google search, you'll see that Az is on the list of those who are allowed to swear. >>

I really did laugh out loud!

Although I have yet to figure out who (else) you are, I am, nevertheless, enjoying reading what you write

Keep up the good work smiley - ok

don't mind me . . .

Post 10

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Thanks Az, you laughter is the highest compliment. If I can get some laughs, well, that's worth more than anything else I get out of it. It sounds like we've got a good trade arrangement - I'll try to give you some laughs, you keep putting up good posts & reasoning smiley - smiley

don't mind me . . .

Post 11

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

oops!!! you're not Az!!! The same applies to you six7 as well, and anyone else who gets a chuckle out of it smiley - winkeye

don't mind me . . .

Post 12


Morning! smiley - coffee

Well I see you've been having a busy time while I've been away sleeping. And yes, that one also made me laugh out loud and call Noggin over to have a look. smiley - ok

I wonder who yikes'd shifty's height-of-wit 'bj' post? Probably yikes'd it himself to hide what a hypocrite he is (though it's too late for that . . .)

Well, off to read more of the backlogs . . .


don't mind me . . .

Post 13


He didn't yikes it himself.

I was getting bored and I didn't want to feel obliged to respond to his crap that time...

smiley - dragon

don't mind me . . .

Post 14

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Hey Echomikeromeo don't worry about yikesing. The stuff is getting pretty bad. And whose to say some random person won't come along and yikes it later anyway?

don't mind me . . .

Post 15

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Woo hoo, the gang is all here!

(Come on, az, you know who he is!)

don't mind me . . .

Post 16

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

not anymore! smiley - smiley

don't mind me . . .

Post 17


<<(Come on, az, you know who he is!)>>

I do? Amazing how you do this mind reading stuff.


don't mind me . . .

Post 18

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Az, I just did a google search, and it turns out you do know who I am. You should do the same search to refresh your memory. Maybe cliking on the google link "Az knows who Della really is" will refresh your memory smiley - winkeye

don't mind me . . .

Post 19


Didn't work - I'm probably just not using the same version of google as you are . . .


don't mind me . . .

Post 20


< I wonder what base material God would use in building a Della.>

Light - Photons
Gravity - Gravitons
Sex - Turnons (Thanks Hoo)
Della - Morons

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