This is the Message Centre for Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

weston-super-mare chat

Post 1

Mu Beta

chat here about the south-wests favourite seaside resort

weston-super-mare chat

Post 2

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

tide goes out a blinking long way there

weston-super-mare chat

Post 3

Trin Tragula

Yes - why is that?

weston-super-mare chat

Post 4

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

it is an estuary really not a beach

weston-super-mare chat

Post 5

Trin Tragula

So how does that work then?

weston-super-mare chat

Post 6

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

dunno I am not a naturalist

weston-super-mare chat

Post 7

Mu Beta

Shame. Would have liked to see you naked.


weston-super-mare chat

Post 8

Trin Tragula

It would appear Lord Wolfden has unsubscribed from this one. Odd, since he's normally so chatty smiley - smiley

weston-super-mare chat

Post 9

Mu Beta

Are you a naturalist Trin?


weston-super-mare chat

Post 10

Trin Tragula

Depends how warm it is.

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