This is the Message Centre for Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 1

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack


Let's Go Lord Wolfden Pack! Howl with pride for we will overcome all obstacles. May your howls carry on to the stars and beyond For we are a pack, strong and willing, united in friendship No one will be left out for we are a team. Now let's go show them that our pack is strong and can never be separated for we are the Lord Wolfden Wolves

We act as a pack and protect each other from danger if each of need help or advice of any kind the post a message entilted 'Howl' and a pack member with try and help in any way they can.


Will Locke AKA Lord Wolfden
smiley - fullmoon

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 2

Mrs Bojangles


Wolfpack are gooooooo!

Quick Captain Wolfden...there's only 24 hours to save Hootoo!

O OO O ...OH NO, too late, the Mysterons are here!

smiley - run

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 3

Dai the Death, "My other sink's a Porsche"

Curses foiled again, those Mystrerons with their strangley deep voices are just too clever by half.

Perhaps this could instead be one of those makeover shows so popular with the car loving youth of today, lets call it " Pimp my Pride!"

No? Quick to the Wolf Den, slide down that handily placed shiny metal pole and try not to dance on the way down. smiley - runsmiley - magic

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 4


This white wolf ,has his own pack with cubs .

Cheyanne smiley - biggrin

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 5

The southern Belle

HOWL Cutie

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 6

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Until you can be nice you are not welcome

smiley - fullmoon

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 7

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Cheyanne does that mean you don't wish to join?

smiley - fullmoon

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 8

Dai the Death, "My other sink's a Porsche"


Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 9

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Dai the Death, holder of the morticians ball and 'The One'

grow up


Post 10

Dai the Death, "My other sink's a Porsche"

The anticipation builds.......

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 11

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Dai, leave please


Post 12

Dai the Death, "My other sink's a Porsche"

But I was just quoting one of the many words of wisdom from the Alpha Male!

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 13

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Leave please

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 14

Dai the Death, "My other sink's a Porsche"

Being someone who appeciates the protocols of this site (unlike your self LW) I will comply with your request.

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 15


Iam being open and honest, and I have a question

Who have you P****ed off now ? or should be who has P****ed you off ?
I see your friend TSB is back
Iam around, you know where to find me if you need me
after all thats what friends are for .
One of my cubs is sick at the moment,Im hoping whe gets well soon .

Cheyanne smiley - winkeye

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 16


I see post 3 has been re-instated.

Can't quite work out why it was yikesed in the first place, mind.

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 17

The southern Belle

Yes mutley, Im back show some respect . To other users
if thats possible . take your head out your head ,and get the
chip of your shoulder .

Iam only saying what other posters are thinking .

Your gonna loose a few friends if your not careful
But its pointless asking if you care, you don't

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 18

The southern Belle

Iam being open and honest, and I have a question

Who have you P****ed off now ? or should be who has P****ed you off ?
I see your friend TSB is back
Iam around, you know where to find me if you need me
after all thats what friends are for .
One of my cubs is sick at the moment,Im hoping whe gets well soon .



It would seem he has pissed everyone off , no doubt even you .
If you see him as a friend, your no matter than him .

Hope your cub gets better

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 19

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

What chip?

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 20

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

..I'm lost. So, who's in the pack?

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