This is the Message Centre for Aoibheil 56832

Nice name...

Post 21

Cheerful Dragon

If you go to the Nitpickers registry and look under 1739, it will give you my full name.

Nice name...

Post 22

Aoibheil 56832

Free drinks? Free drinks? Why do colleges have to come up with the good stuff when I'm not there? All I got was free bills, and more bills and student loans. I did work on one film while in College, sadly (or happily, depending on your point of view, mine actually tends toward happily) it didn't do so good. Wasn't a good flick. Combat High. I only working on costuming. I did get paid well for that though come to think of it. Nothing for free though.

My boss used to work for an Anderson Consulting.

The Makker's thing. I do mean currently, perhaps with the notible exception of Ireland and Britain (are they 'officially' at war?).

Crazy all the time? Hey, I resemble that remark. smiley - smiley

I liked Alan Rickman as the villian in Die Hard better than Robin Hood. I liked Die Hard more than Robin Hood all the way around. I like Bruce Willis much better than Kevin Costner. etc smiley - smiley Fallen was fairly unpredictable, I loved it... poor kitty.

I'm going to have to give Nitpicker's some undivided attention. It looks like a fun site.

Nice name...

Post 23

Aoibheil 56832

Okay, you got me hooked. I'm nitpicker 4506 and I've already submitted 5.

Nice name...

Post 24

Cheerful Dragon

You've got a long way to go - I've submitted 68. I sort of agree about Die Hard, although there's more humour to the Sheriff of Nottingham than there is to the German terrorist (can't think of his name). I have no preferences regarding Bruce Willis and Kevin Costner - I don't rate either of them.

Nice name...

Post 25


Alan Rickman was also a great villain in Quigley Down Under. In An Awfully Big Adventure, he was touted as the ultimate Captain Hook (I can believe it as much as I like Dustin Hoffman I think Alan Rickman would have been better in Hook). smiley - smiley

Nice name...

Post 26


Ahhh...stuff...and people and writing and all that lark...

Hmmm...right then, where to start...

Students get loadsa free stuff these days because companies and banks and clubs and things are copping on that we're a mostly untapped resource and they can get lots of advertising by giving societies and clubs free stuff to distribute so as to attract more members and all that. So we get free stuff!!! And they know how much we like alcohol, so that's always a good one to give out.

Or else there is a nice soc/club that goes and blows some of it's budget on "sellotape" because they know how much fun parties can be with free "sellotape"...aheh aheh *wink* *wink*...(officially not allowed to spend it on drinkies)

sellotape = sticky-tape (for our stateside friends...)

Die-Hard better than Robin Hood. Me agree on that one.

Aobh: You made movies??! But...was "Combat High" the name of it?? Bit nasty name that... smiley - winkeye
As for Britain and Eire, no, they're not officially at war, just some psychos up the north think that they are and act it out all the time by shooting people who have nothing to do with it and then saying "oops...sorry about that one...didn't mean to..." as if that makes it all better. Odd, odd people...

I think that Rickman's name in Die Hard was sth stereotypical like "Hans" or something with a 'k' at the start...I don't remember. He rocks though...but I still prefer Gary Oldman in Leon (The Professional to you statesy people again...) and Stephen Dorf in Blade. Coz he looked very nasty for a Leo DeCraprio looking type guy...(don't kill me for that if you have's just mine and I'm a guy...)

Anyhoo...going to be kicked out of computer building soon, so I might run across to the bar. Was just helping a poor Commerce student friend of mine with Pascal programming and I've never done it before. Was quite good at it though...I love coding...mmmm...code.....*burp*...oh, excuse me...

smiley - smiley

Nice name...

Post 27

Aoibheil 56832

I realized *sigh* that I'll just have to watch a lot of my movies over to get up to where you are. I'm one of those people for whom the phrase "willing suspension of disbelief was coined". I suspend mine on a regular basis. It's when I've seen a film several times that I start nitpicking.

Nice name...

Post 28

Aoibheil 56832

I'm jealous, I don't recall free stuff when I was in college!

Oh, let me clarify, I didn't make "Combat High", I worked on the costumes. That was my field of study, two masters in Theatre. Now I program computers. At least they don't cry during dress rehearsal when they don't like thier costumes. Well, there is more to it but I won't go into it. Don't bother with Combat High, it was a bad (bad, bad, bad) comedy with Jamie Farr (from Mash) in it. I don't even recall who else.

One of my best friends (you know him as EyeQueue), however, was nominated for an Oscar for his short animation (quite a while ago, don't recall what year). He's had quite a life (so far), had dinner with Stephen King, met Roger Penrose, and Prof. Stephen Hawkings.

I agree odd odd people.

I think you are right, Hans it was. Stephen Dorf was okay in Blade, and I think Leo is rather ugly myself. My fav bad guys though are..... let me think, I think Bruce Willis in the Jackel (but not the Siege), Micheal Keaton is excellent when ever he play's a bad guy. Gary Oldman does do a great bad buy, sometimes funny (Fifth Element). Myself, I think the best bad guys are the ones that are like someone you might know, next door. I guess as a female, a truely bad guy has to be someone I could be attracted to, that makes it all the more... scarier?

Fav actor all around, Tom Hanks. I'm looking forward to "The Green Mile".

Pascal, haven't done, yet...... I love being able to hop platforms, code on mainframe(COBOL, mostly), then do a little C++ on the PC or UNIX, maybe then some VB, or some Java. Then to round the day off, work on an Oracle database. Makes for a nice rounded day at work, then I come home (and smiley - smiley sometimes veg and become 'the couch potatoe'. Sometimes play with graphics, sometimes just surf a bit, sometimes read all evening. That is unless I'm out with friends (but admittedly, this town's idea of a good time is watching the chrome rust smiley - smiley )

Have one for me - no I'd rather have one myself. Hmmm think I will.

Nice name...

Post 29

Cheerful Dragon

That's usually true for me, too. The first time I see a film I usually just sit back and enjoy it, particularly if I've gone to the cinema (movies to the Americans) to see it. It's around the third time I see a film that I start to nitpick. Mind you, I came up with one or two nitpicks on 'Entrapment' the first time I saw it. I don't know if you've seen it. If not, read no further.

At the end of the film, Catherine Zeta Jones changes trains between stations to escape from the CIA. How did she do that when:
a) The trains are electric and don't generally stop between stations
b) The doors are controlled from the driver's cab, so even if the trains did stop she wouldn't be able to get the doors open.

Nice name...

Post 30


WOW!! You do all that stuff at work??? Man, I wanna be able to do that sort of crap! All I can do so far is a pissy amount of C++ and Java. I really like Java though...I wouldn't touch COBOL with a 10-foot pole, Y2K money or not!! I have SOME standards...albeit not many... smiley - winkeye for favourite actor...I really don't like Mr Hanks at all at all...and now you tell me that he's going to be in the Green Mile??? As in the Stephen King book series thingy?? Oh....damn!! Now I HAVE to see him again...ah well...

My favourite bad guys are the hard-asses!! The ones who just are nearly pure evil people...with a totally f**ked sense of humour to go with it Gary Oldman does usually...coz he's nasty...but, as was said in the Simpson's, no-one is harder then James Woods!! To top that off, I just saw John Carpenter's Vampires on friday because it just came out in the cinema over here...we're WAY behind you guys!!! And I really didn't like it...because the vamps...well....they sucked....they were just Shakepearean redeeming features or anything to make them real...they were crap!! The most wooden actors that I've ever seen!!

Sorry...had to rant somewhere about that.

Anyway, it's about 21:46 here at the moment, so I'm going to go home now and sleep (but eat first!! mmm).

What sort of music do you like? Download this bceause it's SO cute...if you haven't seen it before that is. I'm listening to Less Than Jake while I'm typing this.

Also, where in the States are you anyway?? Just curious...

smiley - fish

Nice name...

Post 31

Nightfever could get away with pronouncing your name as 'evil' over here...coz that's sort of how the phonetic version of it would go in irish...

Just to tell ya...I'd love that myself!!

smiley - winkeye

Nice name...

Post 32


We are just north of center in Nebraska. The state motto used to be "Nebraskaland where the west begins" until some jokers added the phrase "and the east peters out".

Gary Oldman does make a good villain but I think I saw Immortal Beloved and The Professional (aka The Cleaner aka Leon) too close together. The characters had too many similarities but one was evil and the other was a composer.

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