This is the Message Centre for Drasken

Welcome to the arena...

Post 1


I'm honestly cracking up about the pony and hovercraft match. I should put a bunch of Rolling on the floor smileys here, but they wouldn't do justice.

Thanks, cause that just busted me up!

Yer Theft piece was good, though Amy is right if there is already one.

Your humor is great though, and I look foward to seeing what else you got!

(im still laughing)!!!!smiley - biggrin

Welcome to the arena...

Post 2


Thanks, neongreencat. I tend to write during my late desk shifts (9PM-3AM) and the thoughts just come to me. I'm not sure if I should be thankful or frightened, but mostly I just end up falling asleep on duty.

I've only been on h2g2 for a couple of days now, but everyone seems very courteous with their critiques. I think I will like writing here.

Welcome to the arena...

Post 3


I know what you mean, I work a 12am - 8am shift when I'm grooming. But it's spring now and the mountain is closed, which explains why I can be found here at almost any time!

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