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Post 1

The Fashion Police

aren't flowers "cool".......

oh Yes and Do you want to join the massed armies of the Independent Republic Of Bodmin which now consist of ......Well.....Me.


Post 2


My missus and I discovered more about the Independent Republic of Bodmin, and she's not convinced.

She reckons that it's a bit worrying, in that Cornish people don't like anyone else, so the Independent Republic of Bodmin will always remain a one-person operation.

But then, she did grow up in Devon.


Post 3

The Fashion Police

well no offence but.....most Devonish people will die.

But Join up* and you will recive total Id change.....

*you must die in action within 3 years of joining, or you will be excuted.

Your Lord High emperor, of????

p.s I have one member....Lisa.


Post 4


We think we will pass on this occasion.

But I have a chunk of Cornish Yarg to eat later.

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