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Post 1

Mustard Flavoured FAQ's

Real progress, Peta has obviously read some of this and set up a central area for asking questions about the transition A3896436 this is really good as it is for all boards and I think there was a danger of this just becoming a Mustard crusade.

On the other hand it makes me laugh to think how the 606 tribes will handle this. Danger is that the Troll's, numpties and school kids who invest the place will probably find it easier to make the change. Funny how Troll's are tech savvy!

Peet (I'm going to end up confusing Peet & Peta's names I'm sure) has worked really hard on this and given a whole new meaning to working like a Trojan. Guess he & Katy will now be known as the condom kids! smiley - evilgrin

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