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Mill Road Winter Fair

Post 1


I've had a very good day at the Winter Fair. Went and did my normal food shopping early, then headed over to Mill Road, to help with the refreshment stand at the opening ceremony. We don't think we had quite so many customers as last year: maybe they thought it was going to be too cold, or maybe (as the Chair of the Committee suggested) they have twigged that the Fair goes on for the whole length of the road, and it's not compulsory to come and listen to the speeches at the opening!

After packing up the stand and taking bits and pieces back to C's house (where we had a very welcome second breakfast) I walked up to the Food Fair at the top of the road, and then worked my way down to the middle section, where I had my photo taken in the hat I'd made for the Hats competition ( and queued up for a hot dog, being sold outside the excellent butcher's shop. Yum!

At that point I got a text from my sister, to let me know that she was about to arrive in Cambridge to join me, so I headed home and arrived a few minutes after she and her husband got there. We went back to Mill Road and walked up to the top and then back down again, taking in all the sights, sounds and smells. Particularly enjoyed the Gog Magog Molly dancers and the Arco Iris Samba Band - oh, and the elegant couple dancing salsa!

Now relaxing at home with a cup of tea. We're off to the local pub for dinner later.

Mill Road Winter Fair

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I hope it all went well. The hat photos arent where they should be but hopefully soon will be.

Mill Road Winter Fair

Post 3


No - Hats competition 2010 photos are not up yet, but you can see a few of my photos here:

Mill Road Winter Fair

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

Great. I will loom out for the official ones. Your hat really matches Eryl's outfit

btw is that the American hotel in Amsterdam?

Mill Road Winter Fair

Post 5


Yep - sure is! My friends took me there for dinner on the first night I arrived, and then we went to the art deco cinema (Tuscinski).

Mill Road Winter Fair

Post 6

MV Whitby May Rose

It is lovely isnt it? we stayed there in May and it was really cheap.

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