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Research seminar

Post 1


Went to a Senior Members' Research Seminar after work today. Had to get special permission, as I am not a Senior Member - us plebs in the admin corridor get offered activities like ten-pin bowling, or an airshow at Southend ...

Anyway, it was Mary Beard talking about her research on Roman laughter, and she was, as always, very good value.

Research seminar

Post 2


Envy, envy!

Surprised at the special permission thingy. At my central London u/v college, we were always delighted for admin staff, many just as well qualified as, or even better qualified than us common ushers, to come to research seminars. No special passes needed. But maybe London is more democratic than the upstart Dreaming Spires by the Cam?

Eric Handley, retired (dunno if he is still alive; he was a real firecracker in a gentlemanly way) Professor of Greek at UCL, remarked satirically, when the managerial culture took over universities, that he could probably fulfil his bums-on-seats/interface-with-students-statistics requirement in one go by putting a up a course of 3 plenary lectures: 'Sex, Drink and Drugs in the Ancient World'.

I have no idea whether Mary Beard knew Eric, but she seems very much his spiritual daughter!

Research seminar

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Someone we sort of knew was writing a book on Greek Particles. He said he didn't think many people would read it. Michael suggested he call the book Sex Drugs and Greek Particles to make people buy it.

Research seminar

Post 4


Snorkticles, woofti!

Research seminar

Post 5


Well exactly, $quigs - when I was on the admin staff at the same college you refer to, we were invited to research seminars, lectures etc as a matter of course. However, at my current workplace I'm afraid most of the other admin people a) live out in villages so rush off home at the end of the working day, and b) wouldn't be seen dead in the same room as an academic if they could help it. Depressing, but true.

Research seminar

Post 6


Hey, were we unrealised colleagues? I'll owl you to sort this out off-board!

Research seminar

Post 7


Don't think we were there at the same time, $quigs. But I'd be delighted to get an owl anyway!

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