This is the Message Centre for annie_cambridge

G & T

Post 1


is what I am currently drinking, for medicinal purposes. And because there is no wine in the house.

Work is v stressful this week. I have to copy bits of the incoming freshers' application files and put them together for various different people (Tutorial Office, Director of Studies, Tutor) - as there are 120+ of them this is a very time-consuming job. I usually start over the Bank Holiday weekend, but this year I foolishly gave myself the time off and went to visit my sister instead, so now I'm trying desperately to catch up. It wasn't helped by the fact that Acting Boss left quite a few things till the last minute before his departure to teach bellringing at a women's college in the US (I am serious!), so I've been having to tidy up loose ends when I should have been getting on with the file preparation.

Went into the office on Saturday from 9.30 to 3.00, Sunday for about an hour, and was at my desk from 7.30am till 7.00pm today. I've done about half of them. smiley - wah

G & T

Post 2


Here's some Shiraz down the line, Annie. Uually I drink SB (NZ) but stronger stuff was required today.

Remember my own admissions stuff with pain - the only time I ever felt a neglectful mother, because I did much of it by computer/phpne from home when DD was little, of necessity, and she couldn't understand why I was so preoccupied in the school hols and couldn't play with her.

G & T

Post 3


Thanks for the Shiraz, $quigs! How did you know it's my favourite?

Feeling better today - our Schools Liaison Officer came and helped me with the photocopying and the files are all now done, which means I can concentrate on all the other stuff again.

G & T

Post 4

Birdy aka Westie

Hi G&T .... and Squiggs

It is Westie here ... I don't know why but a conversation you are having with Squiggs is appearing in my box. You are discussing how busy you are with work.

I just thought you might like to know ......

Westie :0)

G & T

Post 5


Hi westie! I'm annie_ms in ML, annie_cambridge here. I suppose $quigs' comment on my journal is appearing in your discussion list because one of us is on your 'friends' list. Could that be it?

G & T

Post 6

Birdy aka Westie

Thanks for responding Annie .... I will have a look but I don't think I have any "friends" :0)))

I have never, as far as I know, ever instigated anything, but just sometimes I get messages coming to me from Mustardeers who want to make contact, but as far as I could see neither your nor Squiggs post had anything to do with me. I've never corresponded off thread (as it were) with either of you as far as I can remember.

Anyhow, not to worry, I just wanted you both to know that this has happened.

Kind regards,


ps Will you tell Squiggs. Thanks.

G & T

Post 7


I think she'll see your message here - no problem!

G & T

Post 8


Hi Westie,

This is the Mustering Station H2G2 page. I use it to find, Woofti, Peet, Annie and Douglas. Very few MS 'Friends' write H2G2 journals here but some friends occasionally add in comments.

You do not appear to be on the Friends of the Mustering Station list so I am at a loss to understand the technology which brought you here but you are welcome to stay.

Sue Green (Oh of Drugless Brain, Douglas fae Aiberdeen)

G & T

Post 9

Birdy aka Westie

Thanks Sue, but as you say, I have never joined so don't expect to get stuff coming into my inbox and so don't quite know how to stop it!

So long as you are all aware that your 'emails' are being seen by me then that is all that matters!

Westie :0)

G & T

Post 10


These aren't e-mails, Westie. They are postings on the public board H2G2 in annie's journal. I do have annie's e-address which is where I would say more personal things.

But thanks for your concern.

G & T

Post 11

Birdy aka Westie

Thanks Squiggs ... I knew e-mail wasn't quite right (though the 'e' is correct in that presumably we are corresponding electronically) and I couldn't think what else to say bearing in mind I didn't really know from whence these messages are coming from .... so thanks for explaining.

I only use this website for deleting the record of the threads I have participated in so I'm not still not quite sure why I am able to earwig your posts, but I don't mind if you don't mind! If I can ever see how to unsubscribe (if that's the word!) I will.

Have a good day folks :0))

Over and out.

Westie :0))

G & T

Post 12

Birdy aka Westie

I'm going to unsubscribe from G&T in "My Space" but I don't think that is enough ......


G & T

Post 13

woofti aka groovy gravy

Have you got any posters in your Friends list? If you have then you will see their h2g2 journal postings in Your Space every time they make one. The only way to stop that happening is to go to your Friends list and delete that poster from your list. HTH smiley - ok

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