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The most haunted house in Cambridge

Post 1


Today started off sunny, but by lunchtime it was grey, drizzly and miserable again.

This afternoon I've been to look round Abbey House, reputedly haunted by a 'grey lady' (a nun) and a small furry animal, either a squirrel or a dog called Wolfie, which was the favourite pet of one of the previous owners. The house itself is extremely interesting - it's on the site of Barnwell Priory, only one of the original monastic buildings remains, a medieval storehouse, which we also went to see (it's just down the road from the house). Abbey House is basically a Tudor construction, but with 18th century and 19th century additions/alterations/improvements. It belonged to the city council until 2002, and was rented (and sub-let, mainly to students - I met someone I know on the guided tour, and she used to live there). When the last tenant died, it was in a pretty bad state, and the council were persuaded to sell it to a Buddhist organisation, who have restored the house and garden, and it is now occupied by a community of 14 Buddhist men. A condition of the sale (at a knock-down price) was that it should be open to the general public once a year, and today was the day.

We were asked to leave our shoes in the main living room, and taken on a tour of the upstairs part of the house. In what was probably the 'master bedroom' one of the panels has been hinged, so that it can be opened to show the decorated wattle and daub wall underneath. The original shell of the building is sort of sandwiched between panelling inside and a brick facade outside.

The community were serving tea and cakes in the kitchen - refreshments free, but donations were being collected to pay for a retreat for Dhalit Buddhists in India.

I'll be at work tomorrow afternoon - A-level results released to universities, a few days before the students get them.

The most haunted house in Cambridge

Post 2


The most haunted house in Cambridge

Post 3

petal jam

Oooh Annie - what interests me is the ghostly squirrel in the grounds. Spectral nuns, headless horseman, clanking chains - ten a penny. But squirrels is unique - surely!

The most haunted house in Cambridge

Post 4


No problem, annie; I love haunting Abbey House and am a very benign presence. I like Buddhists, especially Prabhakari.

Good luck with the UCAS sorting today. You know where I am if you're desperate for expereinced footsoldiers!

Must get those D-lock keys to you soon.

The most haunted house in Cambridge

Post 5


Hiya $quigs!

Yes, we must get together again sometime - once the madness of this week is over.

Look out for the open day at Abbey House next year - it's really interesting; forgot to mention above that there is a five-seater communal loo (Tudor, I presume) in one of the outhouses.

The most haunted house in Cambridge

Post 6


hope the results have gone OK Annie (not too good or bad!)

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