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Post 1


Too much in one day.

Organising phonecalls at 7.15 to make sure that we get bacon and ham, then to Beatrice who officiallly isn't in at the shop till 8am, the the carrier to see if our pallet is going to be delivered, deliver Douglas to Uni, go to shop 16 miles, pick up chilled eggs cheese, marg for nursery school to go with their fuit order, deliver, come back into Aberdeen for a dental visit - all before 10am.

The dentist repaired two chipped teeth; I tasted and felt him do the repairs but cannot see the infill. It was cheery not to have to take out the cheque book (we now have to pay an insurance policy).

Beatrice phoned as I came through the door at home, the carrier was ready for the transfer of the pallet to the car. Sixteen mile dash, transfer and then unload the car at the shop. Answer questions, price and put things on shelves, take overstock upstairs and sell veg boxes till 6.15.

Home 7pm

A full day!



Post 2


Commiseration would be out of order so congratulations Sue;
I have just realised that Cat in the Isabel Dalhousie books by McCall Smith must be modelled on you...

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