This is the Message Centre for sue_green

A bad day...

Post 1


Too much paprika in the kebabs, and I'm eating salad with mine not rice.

Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor for him too discuss my slightly high blood pressure, then to the vet with Elsa. Hopefully I will survive both encounters intact.

Wonder if I could sue the chilled carrier company for causing the rise in blood pressure? Tomorrow will be the third delivery schedule I have been given and is also my "short" day (cover cash and carry, lunchtime and banking). Four full days and two half days with this and that thrown in will turn into six full days and window display and admin. still to be done.


A bad day...

Post 2


How awful for you! I admire your stamina. Does high blood pressure run in your family perhaps? It is a bore, though of course entirely treatable, but who wants to be on medicines for any length of time?

Bon courage.

Great moaning place this.

A bad day...

Post 3


Read this too quickly and as "I'm eating salad with mine not mice." Which would be true too I assume.

Sorry you had such a bad day and that tomorrow will be better.

A bad day...

Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have to be on chronic medication... I tried coming off them at the weekend but it didn't work. It is a pain, esp. as they say you're not allowed to drink alcohol on them. A stricture I gaily ignore, you'll be pleased to hear!

There has been a lot of interesting research into the psychological effect it has on a patient to be aware that s/he has to take medication. Non-compliance has a complex etiology (we're talking psych meds here).

All that having been said, I am determined to try coming off them when I move to SA - I will have to pay full whack over there, and these babies are expensive!

Richard xxx

A bad day...

Post 5


I suspect that my medications will go from two permanent and one when the temp is below 13 degrees and one when stuck to three permanent, one when stuck and loose weight. More evening meals of kebabs and salad to come! Nothing will be offered on squintness affecting back and feet, and general tendancy to replicate my mother (only eight years sooner). She is a sad and sorry sight at present a brain riddled by an infirm body.

It' a lot easier and warmer to walk home on an evening filled but not overfilled with alcohol having visited friends and retreating home.

I like my feet planted firmly on the ground and hate staggering especially from two or three (pm) in the afternoon.


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