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Mercy dash

Post 1


Here, this is peculiar - d'ye remember my saying that I was all blocked up yesterday after a night out on Monday. Peet has also said in his journal that he has been a bit under the weather. Well, get this - I've just had a phone call from a friend who is in hospital. He was rushed in during the early hours of yesterday after 'collapsing in agony' after he left the place that Peet and I had gone to...


Susan and I are going to take some things to the hospital for him. This is a bit of luck as far as Susan is concerned as tea tonight - tofu n' veg stir fry - was not good. Not good at all. Horrible nasty stuff. I marinaded it for ages, fried it till it was brown and coated it with a good dollop of sauce and still it was unpleasant. I ate half of mine before throwing the rest away. Susan's is in the oven, but I suspect she'll take advantage of the upheaval to opt for a chipper supper.


PS. Susan was there on Monday too, and apart from all of her other (normal) ailments she is still as fit as a flea, so I don't think we've got bird flu...

Mercy dash

Post 2


T'was pancreatitis and a dodgy liver and inflamed stomach.

Susan had a great steak pie supper - as good as she has ever had. This from the Fersands Chipper!

Actually the Fersands Chipper came recommended to us by someone who only ever eats dteak pie suppers, grilled meats and white bread - and increadibly he is nae the ane in hospital.

Susans car stinks of ove ripe fruit

Douglas (Mr Up-to-the-minute reportage)

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