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Post 1


It's amazing what streams on the internet.

Today I have watched:

The Last Man on Earth (Vincent Price, based on I Am Legend and later remade as The Omega Man).

Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things (early 70's, introduced by an American TV 'Horror Host' - Count Gore De Val, which is, I think, a play on Gore Vidal. His show airs in Washington. He does the whole vampire shtick in a cloak and is rather good at it).

Mau Mau Sex Sex (a history of exploitation cinema).

Plus loadsa trailers and stuff.

I also downloaded a double CDs worth of prog.

Oh! and I updated Zone Alarm.

I have not achieved much else. Pretty boring, really. I can't wait for next Thursday, when I sign up for my new classes. I got a bit of a scare yesterday when Susan said that she wanted me to come out to work in her shop (tomorrow). I said 'yes', secretly dreading the prospect, but, happily, she has had second throughts herself, and I am off the hook.

Tofu stir-fry for tea. Susan doesn't care much for tofu but I wanted to give it a go, and I have asked her to bring home some salted roasted whole almonds to mix in at the last minute for some 'crunch'.

If anyone fancies watching Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things please give me a shout ASAP as the stream is up for another two to three days and I will give you the link... It is an early 70's zombie flic with a slow build-up then mayhem. The cast are all fairly young, and there are actually some nice (but hammy) performances. I think I recognise some of the players from other films.


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