This is the Message Centre for Razorbladepetal

Rainy yet suprisingly warm

Post 1


Babble time yet again, today has been so weird. I got caught in a huge downpour while sneaking a quick ciggie before "socialising" with people. It started to hail too, i canne believe it. Anyway today has been ok for a change. This morning was a bummer but that would be because I actually had to go to class. Damn it.

But this afternoon should be cool, i hope so. Damn this mouse's ball keeps coming loose. Kids are so immature. Why steal the thing that keeps it intact? I dont know.

Ooooh me head hurts. Staring at this screen is making my eyes fuzzy so i think i shall stop while i still have 20 20 vision

smiley - smiley

Rainy yet suprisingly warm

Post 2


Another day another problem but hey thats what life is like.

Why did i even get up this morning? It doesnt really have its advantages when you consider that school just sucks. Right now anyway, must be all the pressure.

But when isnt there pressure about something eh? Ah well, so i have been forced to babble incoherently about nothing smiley - wah but i always do that

Rainy yet suprisingly warm

Post 3


Add more to coursework? Is my teacher completely insane? I dont think i have time to do it. But i am going to concentrate and try and do my best before monday. But if my efforts end up being wasted than i shall be very angry smiley - sadface

Rainy yet suprisingly warm

Post 4

Fish's Freak

Are you talking to yourself?

Rainy yet suprisingly warm

Post 5


Yeah, cos i dont get decent convos from anyone else. Actually come to think of it they arent great when i talk to myself either.

Rainy yet suprisingly warm

Post 6

Fish's Freak

Go and make some friends then.

Rainy yet suprisingly warm

Post 7


*stares at you* no.....

Rainy yet suprisingly warm

Post 8

Fish's Freak


Go back to the lovely horse thread and chat somewhile then.

Rainy yet suprisingly warm

Post 9


Oh aye, me horse thread

Rainy yet suprisingly warm

Post 10

Fish's Freak

I'll see you there.

Rainy yet suprisingly warm

Post 11


Okie doke

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