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Stress and Shortbread

Post 1

Silicon Avatar

I hate exams. I *hate* them. More than beer. Even the easy ones. But I *really* hate exams with too much maths in.

Mostly I hate G5BAGR (Advanced Graphics), which had the most maths of any exam I've seen yet and which I've likely not done too well on. It only remains to be seen whether I can still get a 2:1 and go on to do the PhD I so need to be able to do.

Um, this has been a rant. We now return you to our regular scheduled incoherence.

Stress and Shortbread

Post 2


Why would anyone really NEED to do a PhD. By the way, what's your sugject and where are you?

Stress and Shortbread

Post 3

Silicon Avatar

Well, I just finished a Comp Sci degree at Nottingham.

Good question though... perhaps I should have used 'want' instead of 'need'. I was hardly in the most eloquent state of mind at the time. It's just something that really appeals to me, it's in a subject that I find interesting, and it looks like fun! Besides which it saves me from job-hunting.

By the way I should be finding out what my degree results are (and, by extension, what my future is) in the next week or so. I'll probably put it in a journal entry in the vain and probably false assumption that anybody is at all interested.

Stress and Shortbread

Post 4


I hated the wait for my degree results. Mind you that could have a lot to do with giving birth six days after the last of my exams.

I am doing a PhD so I don't think it's a total waste of time. And it really depends on what you're doing as to whether it improves your job prospects. Some employers think it makes you a bit too lofty and not practically minded enough. But I want a career in research so that's OK.

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