A Conversation for Thou Shalt Create (A Eulogy to Get Writing)

Thou Shalt Create

Post 1


Hello Cadwallon,
You sound like a fellow Welshman to me! Welsh on my father's side, but born an Englishman.
An interesting piece,and perhaps a worthy sentiment in many a GW contibutor's eyes. Your thoughts run deep here, and I am not always sure what you mean. GW is dying a slow death, but neither your creativity nor mine will be stifled by its demise. It dies because its masters think it is uneconomic to sustain indefinitely. They have provided us with this present alternative to accommodate our 'free' creativity.
The passing of GW doesn't stifle our free speech but political correctness gags us from every angle. We have to pussy-foot on tip-toe around the broken glass of political freedom here in modern western society, but elsewhere in the world they are free to threaten us with their own brand of values, try to impose them upon us, deny us a voice in their own lands but set up their own religio-political systems in our free domain with a view to destroying that very same freedom for their own absolutist regime and destructive philosophy. Christianity is fading fast here. It is leaving a very dangerous vacuum. You and I both know what aims to replace it; but dare we name it? NO!
Might I suggest you look at your piece again. It's a good passage, but may need some clarification. It's what I would classify as poetic-prose.

Ron smiley - smiley

Thou Shalt Create

Post 2


Thank you for your comments. Yes, father born in Wales and mother from West Country.

I agree the piece could be expanded and clarified. It came out of my head like that quickly with passion and confusion. It was a moment captured.

The world sometimes seems crazy as we inexorably jettison freedom from our own society, yet proclaim to the world we are spreading it.

And I suppose the demise of GW has been one miniscule example. The BBC had to prove to the government it was under control and decided to ditch various projects including this one. The members of GW were furious but it soon became clear the BBC managers making the decisions had no understanding of what they were discarding. Few had even seen the site.

At the same time the BBC opened a commercial GW in the US for US citizens only. In the end reliable old old auntie showed her commercial and political faces.

The members of GW put together an anthology of works in 3 volumes to capture their loss. This was my contribution.

After lots of attempts at negotiating ways to save UK GW, we fell back on opening our own sites which are coming along nicely smiley - dragon.

smiley - cheers

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