Thou Shalt Create (A Eulogy to Get Writing)

2 Conversations

O God, you missed creation off your list. However we imagine you or call upon you or however you see us. Or even if we don’t believe in you at all and live by our own rules, these don’t include creation. In the world of freedom of thought where you can now be tossed into a dank dungeon because you might be dreaming of change, the rules lie heavy on our hearts.

And even if our imprisoning bodies fastened by gravity to this earth are made in the image of those different shaped Gods, the spirits inside are free. If only they could find a way to expression.

At first we look out through child eyes in wonder without comprehension of constraint. The creativity of youth we remember, the fantasy worlds where nothing was impossible. But then slowly we are drawn and wander into the dark labyrinth of regulation that preoccupies our minds. Speak this language, like this, with this accent. Dress like this. Learn this. Believe this. Act like this. Listen to this. Earn your money, hold down a job. Raise a family. Watch this on the television. Go to the cinema to see this. Behave like this. Live like this. Yes, the spirit looking out through adult eyes can be too busy conforming to think of creation.

Heaven is somewhere else entirely. Here we should just follow the patterns of our lives, watch others, listen to others, work for others, obey others, follow others. Work to these rules and believe in politicians and God and you will be saved. For what? The life you never experienced, the dreams you dare not dream?

But amazingly and for a short time from within the establishment that would have us watch and listen to the right things in a balanced way appeared a door to another world marked simply ‘creation’. And although anyone could enter, they had to leave their mortal bodies and physical identities behind. The burdens of the flat earth were suspended whilst you joyfully explored the sunlit fields, valleys and oceans of creation. The creations not of Gods, nor politicians, nor bosses but the constructed thoughts of other liberated spirits.

Get Writing, you were a dream come true. And although the mindless regulators have reached in and ripped out your beating heart, those who have experienced your endless light and have tasted freedom will never be silenced again.

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