This is the Message Centre for Ben The Hippy

Totally Groovey!

Post 1


I'me now listening to that groovy song that I found on your page. Is this realy you? I realy dig it. Have you a record deal? How do you contribute to the band? It's been nice to meet 'ya. Smile and Think Happy Thoughts!

Totally Groovey!

Post 2

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival) the pink fairy......who also believes in karma and likes alternative things!
i havent listened to your mp3 but what other bands do u sound similiar to?

Totally Groovey!

Post 3

Ben The Hippy

Hey Angel, glad you liked it... which one did you listen to?

I kind of do a bit of everything, it's a hotch-potch situation. Mainly vocals though. We don't have a deal but we do CDs through If you're in Glasgow, come check us out...

thanks again! do check back to the page once in a while cos there's often new songs up.

Totally Groovey!

Post 4

Ben The Hippy

What do we sound like? ummm... well, Jingo on called us 'a Donovan and Soundgarden milkshake' and it's a mishmash of styles. Think radiohead, soundgarden, Jeff Buckley, Zappa, Gomez, anything passionate _with_ guitars but *without* the WOMENHAIRSPRAYANDFIRE attitude.

Dig the name BTW. Can I call you PSF(WAWALOB) for short? Or would you prefer 'pinky?'

Totally Groovey!

Post 5

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

pinkys kool, the bracketed stuss changes, ....
soundgarden? i like them.....thats kool that youre in a band cos im tryin to do a similar thing far ive got my friend on decks or didgeredo she cant decide and a possible guitartist borrowed from another band and me on vocals.......think incubus stylee.....thats what im hopeing for....

Totally Groovey!

Post 6

Ben The Hippy

didj, decks, guitars and vox... quite a mix. Well into the didj myself but i'm not really that good at it. I dig circular breathing though, you can do it for hours and wind up the neighbours...

Totally Groovey!

Post 7

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

right......have u any tips for my friend learning to play the didj?
she only got it a week ago an is new to it.......

Didj Tips

Post 8

Ben The Hippy

Well, the circular breathing thing is the main trick. Does she already know how to do this? I can give u an outline of that but there's quite a lot to it.

other than that it's mostly a question of lips, tongue, breath pressure and voice. You can hum while blowing to get strange noises, make vocal sounds in the back of the throat, scream, use your tongue to go 'tuh-tuh-tuh' or double tongue- 'tuh-duh-tuh-duh' (twice as fast.) The harmonics of the didj change as you puff or squeeze your cheeks (that's one of the main ways you can change the note.) Final thing that occurs is blowing extra hard for a percussive 'huh!' kind of noise. This can be used to get higher notes too.

Hope this helps...


BTH smiley - bigeyes

Didj Tips

Post 9

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

thanx.........shes going to learn but her younger sister took it to skool to show her class and whacked on everydoor she came across...
but hey, thats what siblings are for

Didj Tips

Post 10

Ben The Hippy

lol smiley - bigeyes

but not what didjeridus are for, eh?

check this-

Hope this helps.

smiley - bigeyes

Didj Tips

Post 11

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

cheers sure shell find anyadvice helpful.....if theres much of it left when she gets it back

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