A Conversation for h2g2 Smileys

Music Smilies.

Post 1

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

How about some Musically Oriented Smilies. - A guitar, or trebble or bass cleff. Best of all how about a bass guitar. I know there are loads of instruments to choose from - so how about it.

Music Smilies.

Post 2


We'll probably be adding more smileys in the future, when we'll collect all the (many) suggestions and make a shortlist.

A bit of a standard reply, but there you go. smiley - smiley


Music Smilies.

Post 3

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Thanks very much for listening. smiley - ok

Music Smilies.

Post 4

h2g2 Musicians Guild

Hey -

Sorry for the disguise. This is Kumetanzuka (Lady K) speaking, adding my voice to the musical smilies wishlist!

Clef signs, and some instruments, especially some of the more popular ones, would be nice. Also, perhaps a smiley of a small group of singers?

A though - composer smilies! Beethoven? (just a thought!) smiley - smiley

Lady K

Music Smilies.

Post 5

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Beethoven with a yellow face - now that's worth seeing!!

Music Smilies.

Post 6

You can call me TC

There is a very long thread on this subject already. You'll be amazed at what the MuGs have come up with. It may be attached to the Musician's Guild rather than here - I am not sure.

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