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another theory

Post 1


I have been wondering about this Y2k thing for a while, and it occurred to me that if the computers that supposedly have the problem ~assume~ the first two digits are 19, and they know how we poor stupid humans count, why then would they mess up and go from (19)99 to (19)00?? I mean, we're supposed to be the stupid ones, right, the ones who make the mistakes...

So maybe there wasn't anything to worry about.

But what if the computers have made their own culture, and have decided to play a little joke on us by making next year 100 (instead of 1900, or 2000), just to watch us running around panicking and being totally unhoopy...

I'm still training my new putey to humour me, and my old putey still thinks it's going to die, but I'll let you know early January what happens. Meantimes would someone please criticise me?

another theory

Post 2


Gleemonger, you have bad breath.

another theory

Post 3


I think this Y2K thing just shows hoe technology has become the new religion. At the turn of last centruy many strange religious sects appeared claiming the end of the world was upon us (e.g. Jehovas Witnesses).

The Y2K thing has taken on a rather apocalyptic appearance and I think everyone who takes it too seriously needs their head read.

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