A Conversation for The Life and Times of Richard Dawkins

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A80888106 - The Life and Times of Richard Dawkins

Post 1


Entry: The Life and Times of Richard Dawkins - A80888106
Author: zaney_the_viper - U14290576

What should I change? What should I add? I need lots of ideas. smiley - biggrin

A80888106 - The Life and Times of Richard Dawkins

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

You should call him Richard Dawkins the first time you refer to him, but Dawkins from then on.

Is Dawkins really an Evolutionary Biologist, or is he a populariser of Evolutionary Biology? Has he done any scientific work?

I think you should say something about Dawkin's attitude to religion, because that's what he's most famous for and particularly because he has had a change of heart in the last year or two. He used to put everybody's backs up by trying to impose his views of religion on everybody else, but more recently has decided that there might be a case for letting people believe what they want to believe, as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. This is not as simple as it sounds, as he feels many religions do in fact do a lot of harm.

What's an ethologist, or is it a typo?


A80888106 - The Life and Times of Richard Dawkins

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

There were a couple of references to him on Doctor Who in the last few years as well - he was on explaining the "ghosts" that turned out to be actually cybermen, and he was one of the people who believed in stars in the episode where they destroyed the universe.

A80888106 - The Life and Times of Richard Dawkins

Post 4


Ethologists specialize in the study of animal behavior. smiley - smiley

A80888106 - The Life and Times of Richard Dawkins

Post 5


I'd like to propose Flea Market as the author has smiley - elvised.


A80888106 - The Life and Times of Richard Dawkins

Post 6

h2g2 Guide Editors

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