The Life and Times of Richard Dawkins

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Richard Dawkins is possibly the most famous Atheist and Evolutionary Biologist of today's world.

Richard Dawkins was born in Nairobi, Kenya in the year 1941. He was raised religious, but began to wonder if God really did exist at age nine. He was briefly convinced that there was a God based on the Argument from Design, which says that the existence of order and structure in the universe points to a creator, but changed his mind again during his teenage years.

From the time he was thirteen until he was eighteen, Dawkins went to the school Oundle in England, which was oriented around the Church of England. Later, he went to Oxford University and studied Zoology. In 1967, he became an assistant professor of Zoology at the University of California, Berkeley, in the United States of America, where he became involved in protests against the Vietnam War. In 1970, Richard Dawkins became a lecturer at the University of Oxford. When he published The Selfish Gene, in 1976, his fame as an atheist and evolutionist began.

Richard Dawkins' published books include The Selfish Gene, The Extended Phenotype, The Blind Watchmaker, River Out of Eden, Climbing Mount Improbable, Unweaving the Rainbow, A Devil's Chaplain, The Ancestor's Tale, The God Delusion, The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing, and The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution.

Richard Dawkins is also known for his debating skills, although he does not debate Creationists individually, preferring group debates with representatives of multiple theories. Richard Dawkins did break his rule once and debate Bill O'Reilly, a Fox News host, one on one, but regretted the lack of productiveness in the debate later. He was frequently interrupted by O'Reilly throughout the debate. At one point, when O'Reilly asked him about the origin of the universe before the Big Bang, the dialogue went as follows:

Richard Dawkins: We're working on it. Physicists—

O'REILLY: When you get it, then maybe I'll listen.

DAWKINS: Well, if you look at the history of science over the centuries, the amount that's gained in knowledge each century is stupendous. In the beginning of the 21st century, we don't know everything—

O'REILLY: All right. When you guys figure it out, then you come back here and tell me, because until that time I'm sticking with Judeo-Christian philosophy.

Richard Dawkins was married for the first time in 1967, to the ethologist Marian Stamp, but was divorced in 1984. Later in 1984, he married Eve Barham, and had a daughter, Juliet Emma Dawkins. They divorced, later, and Eve Barham has since died of cancer. Richard Dawkins was one of Douglas Adams' friends. The two met when Dawkins, having read Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and immediately rereading it, wrote to Adams, and found that Douglas Adams had read and admired Richard Dawkins' work in the past. In 1992, Douglas Adams introduced Richard Dawkins to Lalla Ward, and the two are still married as of 2011.

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