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That's going to ruin someones Christmas

Post 1

Deep Doo Doo

An 11 floor apartment block went up in smoke a short while ago. It is just down the street, so I had a fairly good view from up here on the sixth floor.

Bloody shame really, but the operation to put it out was fairly impressive.

I heard a couple of sirens and thought nothing of it, but then there were a few more. By the time I looked out the window, a tender had arrived, two police cars and a police tow truck. I could see people looking up towards the apartment block and then I could see a small amount of smoke coming from the roof. Within a couple of minutes there were large plumes of acrid black smoke billowing from the lift shaft. 'Yep, that's on fire', I thought.

The Simon Snorkel arrived a few minutes later, followed by two more tenders, a fire control 4X4 and an ambulance. Meanwhile the tow truck was performing impressively - five parked cars were swiftly dragged away just in time for the Simon Snorkel to reverse into position. As soon as it was in place, the ladders were hoisted, quickly followed by three Bombeiros men equipped with BA and dragging hoses at lightning speed up the ladders to the seventh floor.

The smoked quickly changed from black to grey, indicating that water was getting to where it was needed. 20 minutes later the smoke had ceased.

They are clearing up now and I'd imagine they'll be dealing with it for a while still. I'd estimate that there were around 30 people involved in the operation and it appears as though the fire was seated on floor seven. So that's one fire-wrecked apartment, fifteen smoke-damaged on the floors above and potentially a number of water-damaged homes on the floors below. Poor sods.

The ambulance was never used. That's some consolation, at least.

That's going to ruin someones Christmas

Post 2


Simon Snorkel?

That's going to ruin someones Christmas

Post 3

Deep Doo Doo

One of these little beauties, Leo. smiley - wow

That's going to ruin someones Christmas

Post 4


That is fairly impressive!!

Over here the police would've turned up two days later with the tow truck two hours behind them and the complex would've burnt to the ground 'cause the fire fighters couldn't get anywhere near itsmiley - winkeye

That's going to ruin someones Christmas

Post 5

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Have you burned the dinner again, honey?smiley - laugh

I always miss the exciting stuff!

That's going to ruin someones Christmas

Post 6


Man about the house eh?

You know what they say Deakssmiley - laugh

That's going to ruin someones Christmas

Post 7

Deep Doo Doo

It's *very* impressive when you realise that most of the Bombeiros in Portugal are volunteers.

It's not like the UK where they get brand new shiny trucks every few years. Our lot make do with fairly battered, hard-worked, but functional pieces of kit - and from what I've seen this afternoon, they really know what they are doing with it.

The government provide basic equipment and buildings, but a large proportion of the force is manned by volunteers and the community. I think it stems from years ago, when a sparse population had to deal with big expanses of land alight from forest fires. It's a real community thing here and from what I've seen it works well. In the summer, the Bombeiros will sit all night on areas of wasteland in the busy holiday resorts, charging both the locals and the holidaymakers €1 to park.

While you can park on the street for free, we always use the Bombeiros car park and we always give them €2-3. They also open their canteens (staffed by wives and girlfriends) to the public - you can get a damned fine meal along with beer and liquers at prices you couldn't get a coffee for in the UK. Resident ex-pats hold functions during the year and ask you to pay what you would pay for similar in the UK. The profits go to the Bombeiros and help to pay for new uniforms, boots and the like.

You see that sort of community spirit and then you realise why there is virtually nil crime here.

And that's why I love this country. smiley - ok

That's going to ruin someones Christmas

Post 8


That says a lot for community spirit which this country is sadly lacking in.(very much so)

When I win tonight I shall retire to Portugalsmiley - winkeye

That's going to ruin someones Christmas

Post 9

Sho - employed again!

retiring to Portugal sounds good

All our villages round here have volunteer Fire Departments - I always attend their fundraisers or make a donation if I can't. And of course, on a purely superficial level, there's always something a bit smiley - drool about a fireman in uniform.

That's going to ruin someones Christmas

Post 10


Oh well,

Retiring will have to wait another week.smiley - wah

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