This is the Message Centre for Munchkin

When in Glasgow...

Post 1


Oooh! I remember you! From zombies and spacehoopers and pink shrimps in the Central Hotel. 'Ello over there! Might have to make Hyopthetican this year. TTFN.

When in Glasgow...

Post 2


Pink Shrimps?!?!?! I must have been drunk for that bit. So, which Hypos have you been to?
Anyhoo, do come to Hypo 'twill be a laugh once again, and they could do with the members (just don't tell anyone I said so smiley - winkeye)

When in Glasgow...

Post 3

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Munchers, the Post has typo'd the event name and is calling it Hypothetician.

Is that a great job title or what?

When in Glasgow...

Post 4


Doh! Forgot I'd put it in the Post.
Could do with that job mind, sounds right up my street smiley - smiley

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