A Conversation for The h2g2 Community Consortium

Richard Dawkins...DNA's mate with a Foundation...

Post 41

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Thanks Trig! I'll do some more research and ignore all
the Wikipedia links a google search of Wiki reveals.
smiley - ok

>> Wikileaks isn't a wiki at all, as far as I know. <<

Being old enough to remember lighting with oil lamps the
term wicky leaks brings memories of dangerous spills and
stinky messes.

smiley - eureka

Richard Dawkins...DNA's mate with a Foundation...

Post 42

Baron Grim

I just noticed a link on BoingBoing to this new media site.


Rob Beschizza on BoingBoing say's this:

"Turnstyle is a just-launched website written and produced by young adults, a wonderful mix of news, commentary, photography and blogging. I helped develop and design their website and working with them was a fantastic experience: they only went live a few days ago, but there's already a ton of great work up."

I haven't had much chance to explore, but I couldn't help but think that we might be able to get some ideas from it. They seem to be funded by a mix of sponsorships and partners.

I'm about to leave now but thought some of y'all might want to check it out and see if there is anything that might interest us.

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Richard Dawkins...DNA's mate with a Foundation...

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